Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Arrival

I have a new nephew! Ethan Douglas McMurdo popped into the world in the early morning hours of Jan. 18th, weighing in at around eight pounds. I had the chance to go visit him and his family (my brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces) at the hospital, and he and his momma were both doing well. I've got to soak up all the niece and nephew time I can while I'm still in the country! Now to go shopping for baby clothes...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The times, they are a changing...

It is official--I am no longer an employee of Open Door Ministries. A huge responsibility off my shoulders, but I will miss aspects of it all the same. I was well sent-off, with a goodbye party with the kids, another with staff, flowers, cake--the whole shebang! The pic here is some friends (I'm taking the photo) at the staff goodbye party after-party (or something like that :) ).

So now--on to support raising as intensely as I can! As any of you who have ever raised financial support can attest, it is quite a bit of work, most of it involving communication with potential and actual supporters. I am learning as I go how to best approach people, how and when to follow up, and most of all--how to simply ask!

Hopefully in the coming months I'll also have a chance to begin studying Khmer, the language spoken in Cambodia. This will be easier said than done, seeing as I know no Khmer speakers at this point, and so am trying to orient myself a little bit using books and cd's...we'll see. Check out the Khmer script here: